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Juniper Wojcik
When I arrived at the Wojcik home, I accidentally let their dog out--don't worry, I only do this when I'm looking for an excuse to hold a...

The Flynn Family
Fall is the most popular time of the year for family photos and weddings. It's beautiful, cool, and the leaves are changing color-- I get...

Jess and Christiaan: February 17th, Winona, MN
I love the couples I meet so much. When I finish shooting a wedding, I usually have mixed feelings of happiness, excitement, with a dash...

Meg's Baby Bump
It's hard to believe that at this time last year I was nine days over-due. I remember being so anxious and just ready for Letty to make...

Chapel Dolenc - Newborn Photos
If you haven't seen it yet, I did a blog on Chapel's birth, so I'm not going to gush again about how much I love this family (it's a...

Griffin is ONE!
I remember talking to Griffin's Mom during their fall session about his one year photos in January. I also remember thinking how far awa

Chapel Dolenc
Last summer I headed to Chaska to photograph Mr. Archer Dolenc for his 6 month birthday. I was in the middle of shooting and Shelly,...
HEY! Thanks for looking! I will be starting my new blog, very, very soon! For now, feel free to check out my current blog -...
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