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Victoria is One! Roseville, MN
For some reason Victoria didn't remember me from her 3 month shoot, but after about 5 minutes, she started to enjoy my weirdness and we...

Claire is One! Woodbury, MN
Claire's first birthday shoot was enjoyable because she is SO happy. She was a trooper and smiled through everything that we made her do...

Valentine Mini Sessions: Northrup King Building, Northeast Minneapolis February 11th, 2018
It's been so long since I've shot in a studio. The space you'll see below belongs to a photographer friend, Heidi Ehalt. I was fortunate...

George is 6 months old!
When you open the screen door to knock on the Lester's front door there's a sign that reads, "Come in, we're awesome!" And it's so true....

Gracyn is One!
Gracyn turned one on January 21st. Her birthday holds a special place in my heart because our daughter was "due" on that date. Instead,...

Doreen Bieging's Newborn Session: Minneapolis, MN
Doreen Ruth, isn't that a beautiful name? Doreen's sweet name came from her great-grandparents and it fits her so well. Although Doreen...

Chapel Dolenc is One! Chaska, MN
Something really important happened on Monday; Chapel turned one! It feels impossible that just one year ago I was rushing to Chaska from...

The Pandey Family: South Minneapolis
Sometimes it takes all of the tricks in the book to get just one smile and then sometimes you get a Thea. She would smile no matter what,...

Kelly and Mark's Wedding Day at Aster Cafe, Minneapolis
I'll take more of this, please. More small and intimate weddings with people that are kind, happy, laid back, and loving. I've had small...

Extended Family Shoot: Apple Valley, MN
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all of that good stuff! I did something crazy! I took some time off from editing. I have a few...
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